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41. 罗杰斯在Guy’s癌症看护中心设计竞赛中获胜

...这5个设计组是Hopki事务所、Grimshaw与Jonathan Bailey事务所、Woods Bagot与BDP以及Allies &am Morrison。而扎哈?哈迪德事务所、福斯特事务所和Will Alsop等甚至连决赛都未进入。 罗杰斯事务所曾经设计过获得2009年斯特林大奖的位于Hammesmith...

/show-17935.html 2011-11-16

42. 德国红点设计大奖 创意实用办公用品

...familiar with them and their most typical form of a lead enclosed within a wooden shaft. The Colorstripe is a very interesting coloured pencil that, due to its design, reinterprets the established principle of such pencils. The unusual appearance of this three-sided pencil is attributable to the col...

/show-1239.html 2011-05-16

43. Kane建筑改建老皮革学校的工厂

...南威尔士,Waterloo 施工队:Kane Construction P/L 机电工程:Wood And Grieve Engineers      

/show-16806.html 2011-11-04

44. 迪拜塔被命名为“全球偶像”

... CTBUH的执行理事和授奖评审团成员安东尼-伍德(Antony Wood)说:“从19世纪80年代以来,仅有16幢建筑获得‘世界最高建筑’的称号。在一个人的一生中,这种称号可能仅转手两次到三次。所以说明‘哈里发塔’...

/show-18351.html 2011-11-16

45. 石材中英文对译——R篇

...金麻) Raw Silk 金丝缎 Raw Silk;Indian Ivory 红桃木 Rde Peach Wood 火山红 Red Alicane 巴西红(大花) Red Brazil 红香槟 Red Champagne 红奶油 Red Cream 红钻麻 Red Diamond Grain 红龙石 Red Dragon 嵊州东方红 Red East Of Shengzhou 灵丘贵妃红 Red Firs...

/show-4941.html 2010-08-24

46. 新加坡Khai House

...between the inside and the outside is blurred by the combination of stone, wood, concrete, and timber screens that gently prompts the eye to carve out notional spaces and enclosures in what is an open ground plan without walls or a clear boundary line. The garden design pays careful attention to ...

/show-4837.html 2010-08-16

47. 德国红点设计大奖 精致创意厨房装饰

...of 10mm. An innovative feature is the front design featuring elm veneer, a wood that is used in high-quality interior decoration.  五、+INTEGRATION® Küche red dot red dot award: product design 2005     The +Integration kitchen concept shows an innovative fron...

/show-1445.html 2011-05-16

48. 2013斯德哥尔摩家具展于日前顺利闭幕

...资料   据瑞典原木及家具工业联盟(Swedish Federation of Wood and Furniture Industry)报道,2012年瑞典家具产量约为210亿瑞典克朗,总出口额为158亿瑞典克朗。挪威以36%的份额高居出口国榜首,其次为丹麦,德国及芬兰等。中国以几...

/show-20899.html 2013-02-20

49. 悬崖上的住宅设计 日本东京住宅

...p;  entrance  [page]  Data Site: Tokyo,Japan Structure: Wood Total floor: 2 floors Site area: 182.25㎡ Building area: 58.18㎡ Total floor area: 84.84㎡ Architect: On design Partners Osamu Nishida+Takanori Ineyama+Rie Yanai         &nb...

/show-11401.html 2011-06-16

50. 德国红点设计大奖 唯美造型家居

...in the original. That is why the new GJ Chair is also made of the original wood species teak and Oregon pine. 四、hettinject VB insert Invisible Connection Fitting honourable mention red dot award: product design 2009   This fitting is the basis for invisible connections between lightwe...

/show-1040.html 2011-05-16