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31. 云多拉灰

岩性:进口大理石 | Imported Marble 产地:土耳其 底色:灰色 | Crey 纹路颜色:灰色 | Crey 花草样式:乱纹 | Disorderly lines 使用领域:室内装饰.构件.洗手盆 | Interior decoration. Component. Lavabo 岩石特征:云丝纹.灰色大理石 | Cloud SiWen. Gray marble

/show-20736.html 2013-01-28

32. 龙凤红

...:红色 | Red 纹路颜色:红色 | Red 花草样式:乱纹 | Disorderly lines 吸水率:%:0.16 | 0.16 抗压强度(C.S) :Mpa:239 | 239

/show-20849.html 2013-01-24

33. 拉马特甘幼儿园 ramat gan kindergarten

...ormalist language, the kindergarten design is typified by simple, concise lines, incorporated with concrete images from the animal kingdom, a reduced color scheme to avoid clutter, and various textures imprinted into the wood furniture.   The design comprises soft, hand-sewn objects befitt...

/show-11339.html 2011-06-02

34. 石材中英文对译——G篇

...nbsp; White 卡迪娜 Glo cream 金襄玉 Glod Jade 金钱莲 Gloden Line Lotus 金贝壳 Gloden Shell 金色阳光 Gloden Sun 果阿红 Goa Red 巴西金麻 Gold Brasil 黄金海岸(G682) Gold Coast 黄金米黄 Gold Cream 金发玉 Gold Fair Jade 金玉盟 gold falce 金花...

/show-4949.html 2010-08-24

35. 山琦实设计 城市的记忆与重生

...p;  与蒙特利尔TOHO异曲同工的是,去年开放的纽约High Line,原是纽约的一段废弃铁路,位于曼哈顿西。High Line项目由居民组织发起,获政府支持,最终蜕变成功,成为艺术绿化休闲区。1999年由RobertHammond和Joshua David组成了Friend...

/show-16774.html 2011-11-04

36. 比利时:用100层钢板建造透明教堂(组图)

...最温暖人心的教堂,Z33将这栋教堂命名为Reading between the Lines,企图将“透明”的定义从了解所有眼前看见的事物,延伸到看不见的事物,看不见不代表不存在,看见的却未必等于真实,重点是如何以不同的态度、角度看待世界...

/show-15657.html 2011-10-08

37. 世界建筑节假日特别奖图森餐馆

... The restaurant is situated in Ramundberget on a small hill where the tree line meets the mountains. The building finds its place between slow growing birch trees, brooks and rocks. A location that emphasises the buildings relation to the nature, summer and winter. From this site you have a wide vi...

/show-580.html 2010-03-17

38. 常用外贸术语大全(四)

... Selling Rate S/S Spread Sheet Spread Sheet SSL 船公司 Steam Ship Line SDR special drawing rights 特别提款权

/show-8322.html 2011-03-18

39. 德国红点设计大奖 清新自然风格沙发

...carpets with woollen applications round off Cuvert as an extensive product line. 三、Delphi Sofa red dot red dot award: product design 2008   The Delphi product line consists of eleven modules offering a variety of individual sofa solutions. They can be used as classic chaise longue or, ...

/show-1046.html 2011-05-16

40. 新加坡Khai House

... are spaces but with no trace of rooms bounded by walls. Physically, the delineation between the inside and the outside is blurred by the combination of stone, wood, concrete, and timber screens that gently prompts the eye to carve out notional spaces and enclosures in what is an open ground plan wi...

/show-4837.html 2010-08-16