...实际的方案取得成功。 获得荣誉: FX International Interior Design Awards 国际室内设计大奖 IIDA Annual Interior Design Competition I.D. Magazine Annual Design Review 处度优秀设计杂志推荐 Hospitality Design Magazine 酒店设计杂志 Best of Canada Design Compet...
/show-11294.html 2011-06-07
China-Designer:这位是罗恩·库克博士,来自欧洲的奥地利,他是欧林公司的副总经理,也是我们这个品牌的全球推广总监。这次是什么样的一个原因让库克博士来到了这个论坛,在这个演讲当中的主要内容是什么? 罗恩·库克:...
/show-16383.html 2011-10-26
...s yet another project in Sarit Shani Hay's oeuvre, who specializes in the design of public spaces for children. Located in an agricultural training farm, it covers 100 sq. m. and is surrounded by an extensive vegetable garden. The building is divided into two classrooms for two age groups: a youn...
/show-11339.html 2011-06-02
... 一、Ponton Modular Seating Programme red dot red dot award: product design 2009 Ponton is versatile and multifunctional – it can be slid, turned, coupled and moved for individual seating ideas. The elements of cubist design with pivoting backs lend themselves to endless...
/show-1036.html 2011-05-16
...怪好看的,想必非常受美术系的学生欢迎吧。 来自clab 4 design。 点击蓝色链接到达设计师网站,看更多酷酷作品。
/show-9552.html 2011-04-08
...色。组装容易,只消几分钟就能组装好。 由 Malagana Design设计。
/show-10245.html 2011-04-25
看见那个酣睡的小天使没?云凳真是超可爱。而且不光是小孩,大人也一样也适合用。后面可调式,你可以拥有自己的“云”形状。 来自design houses tockholm。蛮酷的。 [page] [page]
/show-10521.html 2011-04-26
函数曲线凳,来自日本的yy-design。 [page] [page]
/show-10537.html 2011-04-26
由3rd Uncle Design协同Abrahamson Teiger Architects设计的Davis别墅室内外。
/show-13247.html 2011-08-25
Lundberg Design是一个11人的建筑公司,由建筑师Olle Lundberg在1987年成立,该公司擅长于高端现代设计,无需特别侧重于任何特定的建筑类型。核心的做法仍是建筑设计,将继续致力提供多层次设计,并涉及产品,景观,图表,雕塑...
/show-13265.html 2011-08-25