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31. 未来世界九大绿色建筑

...水晶岛    福斯特建筑事务所的水晶岛(Crystal Island)项目日前刚刚从莫斯科当局获得初步设计许可,将在离克林姆林只有4英里半的纳加蒂诺半岛上建造。水晶岛高1500英尺(约合457米),是一座实现自给自足的城市,...

/show-19258.html 2011-11-23

32. 广岛系列家具欣赏 超越Y椅子的设计

...n the manner unique to Maruni Wood Industry and, as such, they represent a crystallization of beauty born out of craft skills.   Since 2010, Maruni Wood Industry has worked with Naoto Fukasawa as art director to take our first steps toward establishing the Maruni Collection throughout the...

/show-11495.html 2011-07-11