Space1 卧室 卫浴间 黑白条纹MIX女性元素 打造优雅、高贵感 用黑色与白色布置卧室和卫浴间,要想简约而不单调,彰显出魅力而又不过于超现实和冷冰冰,就需要让黑色和白色有所变化,并加入一些非常具有女性化...
/show-1543.html 2011-03-22
...ure setting distinctive, yet not dominant, accents in respective rooms and spaces. 三、Pumpkin Seating Furniture red dot red dot award: product design 2008 When designing Pumpkin it was not at all the intention to create a chair with four legs. The flexibility of its forms app...
/show-1047.html 2011-05-16
...t the multiple LEDs and multimedia and create a certain sparkle within the space. The reflections are a kind of link which shows the interdependecies and influences between the periods of glass design and glass making over the centuries and inbetween continents and cultures. A success...
/show-11496.html 2011-07-11
...商业岛及商务岛成为西乡城市更新的示范区之一。 Most spaces in Bihai Area keep old looks, most of areas are covered by old city, old village, old factory apart from a small amount of new residential buildings, and there are few land reserve. This planning is expected to realize &...
/show-5037.html 2011-01-14
...t and using an innovative approach turns it into a light source for indoor spaces. The working principle is simple and highly effective: a long tube-like tunnel brings natural daylight from the roof of a building to the ceiling of otherwise electrically lit rooms. The formal mediator for the light b...
/show-10454.html 2011-05-16
...acades to the interior decoration, chamber is the dominant material in the space, which is also the supporting structure of this home. From the vestibule, there is a strip-pattern wooden screen, and then to the floor, ceiling, stairs or even most of furniture, wooden structures can be seen everywher...
/show-11358.html 2011-06-16
...em can be stacked to, in or over one another, to create individual storage space for shoes and other things. Each shelf is handcrafted in Switzerland and therefore recognisable as a single piece. 三、True Love Sofa red dot red dot award: product design 2009 The True Love sofa has an...
/show-1038.html 2011-05-16
...world’s most prominent tree collectors. In a series of open spaces we show our appreciation for trees by using them to create spaces in a unique way that integrates aesthetics, sustainability, history and lifetime. Our passion for landscape architecture and our tireless cre...
/show-11567.html 2011-07-15
My space 专为儿童所设计,给予他们自己专属的纸板折叠空间,可以放入小床或者在置物架上放置自己的玩具等等。
/show-14473.html 2011-08-31
...国最新顶尖样板房》、 《3R亚太室内设计》、《Creative Space》 《海峡两岸室内设计作品集》 《2009年中国样板间年鉴》 《TASTEFUL HOME MODERN STYLE》 《2008 ANNUAL Journal of AIDIA》 ………… [page] [pag...
/show-19571.html 2012-03-22