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21. 25位全球顶尖室内设计师访谈 直击大师手笔

...amish Bowles称他是“ 21世纪的Billy Baldwin”。   The future of design is seamlessly integrating a respect for the past with an optimistic view toward the future.——Jeffrey Bilhuber(设计的未来在于把对过去的尊崇无形地蕴于对明天的憧憬。) ...

/show-11878.html 2011-08-15

22. 从中国太阳谷走向“微排地球”

...不了人类共同的危机。 那么,真正的未来方舟工程(Future Ark Project),到底怎样实现呢? 美国IBM公司提出了“智慧地球”,其目的是让世界的运转更加智能化。与此同时,智慧地球”的举措,也让人们对国家...

/show-18149.html 2011-11-16

23. 深圳宝安碧海片区商业岛、商务岛城市设计国际咨询公告

...。 Block design in Commercial Island and Business Island To determine future development objectives of Commercial Island and Business Island, to identify key functions of the block, space styles, land using, comprehensive traffic organization, green space & landscape, public open space, undergrou...

/show-5037.html 2011-01-14

24. 建筑创作原点与过程/MASTERS at WORK

...use to evaluation his previous works, and further develop his concepts for future creations. This book don’t want to guided everybody to judge the works is not to the fault, but the objective one, it is a platform to construct one that describe the process of design of each architect, through ...

/show-15589.html 2011-09-19