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21. 常见石材产品中英文对照(不断补充中)-Y

... Mahgany [ Y ] 印度浅绿 Verde Affait (Light) [ Y ] 印度蓝 Orion Blue [ Y ] 印度红紫晶 Indian Mahogany [ Y ] 印度红砂石 Indian Sandstone (Dark) [ Y ] 印度红(中花) Bundela Red [ Y ] 印度红(粗花) New Imperial Red [ Y ] 印度红 Imperial Red [ Y ] 印度粉红...

/show-8518.html 2011-03-23

22. 常见石材产品中英文对照(不断补充中)-J

...西红 Jhansi Red [ J ] 金线米黄 Perlato SF [ J ] 富士蓝 japan blue [ J ] 金丝缎 RAW SILK [ J ] 将军红 Befast 或 Suya Pink [ J ] 酱色石 Golden Galaxy [ J ] 焦糖金麻 Caramelo Decorado [ J ] 金彩麻 Giallo Veneziano [ J ] 金点蓝钻 Blue Galaxy [ J ] 金光麻...

/show-8493.html 2011-03-23

23. 石材中英文对译——R篇

...玉 Rainbow Jade 彩虹砂石 Rainbow Sandstone 燕山蓝 Rainforest Blue 丽莎红 Raisa 梦幻米黄 Ramsis Cream 浪泽红 Ranza Green G684 Raven Black 金丝麻(至尊金麻) Raw Silk 金丝缎 Raw Silk;Indian Ivory 红桃木 Rde Peach Wood 火山红 Red Alicane 巴西红(...

/show-4941.html 2010-08-24

24. 石材中英文对译——S篇

...G641 Salt&Pepper/Big Flower 莎玛米黄 Sama Beige 金茂蓝 Samantha Blue 巴西白麻 Samba White 森巴黄 Samba Yellow 香槟金麻 Samoa 旧金山绿 San Francisco Green 树挂冰花 San Louis 鲁班米黄 Sanam 三宝红 Sanbao Red 大花砂 Sand Flower 沙贝利 Sand Sh...

/show-4942.html 2010-08-24

25. 国外石材大板欣赏

Country of Origin: Italy The swirling pattern of Amadeus gives this stone instant recognition. Dark blue is shot through with mint green veins and accented by a purple-red fleck.  

/show-678.html 2010-03-22

26. 国外石材大板欣赏4

Country of Origin: Brazil This heavily-veined stone contains various semi-precious minerals that yield soft wedgewood blues and, in some instances, brilliant turquoises. This beautiful material is found in the Brazilian state of Bahia.

/show-689.html 2010-03-22

27. 国外石材大板欣赏9

  Country of Origin: Brazil This granite has very strong movement and is usually characterized by a dark midnight-blue background with light-colored "veins." This material often varies between bundles; the overall color may be cooler or warmer, and sometimes garnet flecks are present.

/show-694.html 2010-03-22

28. 国外石材大板欣赏11

  Country of Origin: Ukraine This dramatic granite features flakes of rich iridescent blue labradorite interspersed with deep black. A subtle beige- or aqua-colored background barely outlines the black.

/show-696.html 2010-03-22

29. 国外石材大板欣赏12

  Close-up: Country of Origin: Angola This rich brown stone is characterized by unusually large flakes and large areas of iridescence, which reflect different colors at different angles - sometimes white, sometimes chestnut, and sometimes blue.

/show-697.html 2010-03-22

30. 国外石材大板欣赏17

  Country of Origin: Brazil Dunas is dressed up with flowing waves of rosy pink and purple coloration accented with luscious blue hues.

/show-702.html 2010-03-22