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281. 480米摩天大厦或成东莞第一 两方案最后P

...家评审会的最终结果,4家入围的设计单位中,澳大利亚The Cox Group Pty Ltd提交的1号方案和上海市城市规划设计研究院提交的3号方案同时胜出,被选为优胜方案,将进行最后一轮PK.其中,方案一规划的480米标志性摩天大厦尤为惹人...

/show-18223.html 2011-11-16

282. “邂逅在此时此景”——纽约进食篇

    撰稿人:张森 图片:The Metrics事务所            目前美国事务所The Metrics室内设计师Elle Kunnos de Voss承接了一家纽约餐厅的室内设计,而且要每月换装一次。店名为“邂逅在此时此...

/show-16811.html 2011-11-04

283. 2012年最新最受设计师欢迎的特色石材品种大搜罗

...景墙,酒店墙面等。   推荐品种五:东方明珠 The Oriental Pearl   上榜理由:一颗颗通体透彻的水泡,犹如一个个富有东方神韵的明珠,镶嵌于石板之中;那一个个高光之处正是那东方明珠发出的耀眼光芒,极其吸引...

/show-19632.html 2013-01-08

284. 挪威边缘住宅设计方案

...ig;s AS建筑事务所     简介:     原名称:The Edge House     设计年限:2005   施工年限:2006-2008   总面积:160平方米     挪威Jarmund / Vigsnæs AS建筑事务所在挪威Kolbotn设计了这所边缘别墅。 &...

/show-419.html 2010-05-10

285. Coa谷艺术和考古学博物馆

...o Rebelo      原名称:Museum of Art and Archaeology of the Coa Valley   总建筑面积:8121.31平方米   净面积:6243.28平方米   Coa谷的旧石器时代艺术也许是人类首次的艺术表现形式。该博物馆被认为是“安装的景观&r...

/show-630.html 2010-05-10

286. 国外石材大板欣赏

Country of Origin: Italy The swirling pattern of Amadeus gives this stone instant recognition. Dark blue is shot through with mint green veins and accented by a purple-red fleck.  

/show-678.html 2010-03-22

287. 国外石材大板欣赏4

Country of Origin: Brazil This heavily-veined stone contains various semi-precious minerals that yield soft wedgewood blues and, in some instances, brilliant turquoises. This beautiful material is found in the Brazilian state of Bahia.

/show-689.html 2010-03-22

288. 国外石材大板欣赏7

Country of Origin: Italy Black Cosmic is a welcome addition to our inventory, since it offers an option in black granite that features dramatic movement. The flowing veins in this stone are a warm neutral color, making this granite even more versatile.

/show-692.html 2010-03-22

289. 国外石材大板欣赏9

  Country of Origin: Brazil This granite has very strong movement and is usually characterized by a dark midnight-blue background with light-colored "veins." This material often varies between bundles; the overall color may be cooler or warmer, and sometimes garnet flecks are present.

/show-694.html 2010-03-22

290. 国外石材大板欣赏11

  Country of Origin: Ukraine This dramatic granite features flakes of rich iridescent blue labradorite interspersed with deep black. A subtle beige- or aqua-colored background barely outlines the black.

/show-696.html 2010-03-22