...?格拉夫斯(Michael Graves),连同新加坡顶尖建筑设计公司DP Architects联手打造的圣淘沙名胜世界,将致力发展成为一个举世闻名的热带旅游胜地,把出色建筑和翠绿树林融合为一。 整个设计把一系列的活动和余兴节目紧密结合...
/show-17690.html 2011-11-07
...主义(Urbanisms: Steven Holl+Li Hu 4 Projects in China by Steven Holl Architects) 的巡回展览。在展览上,观者惊奇地发现,除了建筑物本身,还展出了不少建筑内部的设计细节,如桌子、椅子、门把手等。原来这位大师级的建筑师不仅设计体...
/show-18367.html 2011-11-16
...he translucent material. This new way of utilising fabric on a chair gives architects and designers plenty of options to decorate a space. Flakes is made of durable and long-lasting materials for people who appreciate sturdy furniture. At the end of its life cycle, both fibre glass and metal can be ...
/show-1139.html 2011-05-16
... to the mass and weight of the neighboring historical structures. Architect: Li Xiaodong Project team: Chen jiansheng, li ye, Wang chuan, Liang Qiong, Liu Mengjia, Nie junqi Collaborator: Hedao architecture design (Fujian, Xiamen) Client: &n...
/show-10981.html 2011-05-16
...ession of essence and originality. In the style of the functionality of an architect’s desk, the height-adjustable trestles allow ergonomic working, personalised to the individual user’s body size. 五、Menta Chair honourable mention red dot award: product design 2008 ...
/show-1050.html 2011-05-16
... options and design process A collaborative effort by planners, landscape architects and architects developed conceptual planning alternatives to explore relationship of several key planning informants: • Integration of optimum solar and wind orientation (to reduce energy demand) for bu...
/show-9031.html 2011-05-16
...标题的展览,其目录封面上第一次正式使用了"International Architecture"。这也许可以认为是新古典主义和新浪漫主义在美国失宠的时刻。 1924年毕业之初,路易·康在费城城市建筑师丁·莫里特的事务所里从事1926年费...
/show-4739.html 2010-08-10
...普立兹克建筑奖”获得者 winner of the Pritzker Architecture Prize. 汤姆·梅恩(Thom Mayne)简介 汤姆·梅恩(Thom Mayne)毕业于哈佛大学建筑系。汤姆·梅恩(Thom Mayne)和迈可‧罗通蒂(Michael Rotondi)的...
/show-4748.html 2010-08-11
书名:建筑家的20岁年代 World architects in their twenties 作者:?|京大?W工?W部建??W科 安藤忠雄研究室 ?者:?宗哲 ?曦? 出版社:田?@城市 初版日期:2003 年 09 月 01 日 定?r:350 元 ?紊?∷ / 平? / 224? / 直排 ISBN:9867705181 出版地:台...
/show-15581.html 2011-09-19
...会外籍荣誉会员;Académie Royale de Belgique理事;theOrdre des Architectes Fran?ais会员;Akademie der Künste,建筑协会成员。他拥有下列大学的荣誉博士头衔: 皇家艺术学院、Eindhoven技术大学、伦敦大学、巴斯大学、East Anglia大学、亨伯赛德...
/show-15272.html 2011-09-08