/show-4649.html 2012-10-29
...版社:宁波出版社 出版时间:2005年5月 开本装帧:880×1230mm 1/32,全彩 页数:252页 书号:ISBN 7-80602-864-1/TU·6 定价:88.00元 目录 前言 安藤忠雄访谈录 关西地区铁道交通图及作品位置 光的教会/周日学校 大阪府...
/show-15597.html 2011-09-19
...f creativity. However, creativity is always also an expression embedded in time, an activity aimed at breaking new ground and offering new perspectives on things. With the MYchair, the UNStudio/Ben van Berkel design team, which is known for many impressive designs, managed to create a highly contemp...
/show-998.html 2011-05-16
...是异形的(如菱形,三角形,圆形等),用料以(最长×最宽)消耗的材料计算,磨双边的要加上3公分的损耗,都要比实际的尺寸大一些; (4)石材费用收几大部份组成:材料费+加工费(...
/show-964.html 2011-04-12
/show-10981.html 2011-05-16
...the house. Solitary pieces of furniture, aesthetically highlighting the multimedia elements, represent an expanded living room function. Elegant highboards, each integrating a complete home entertainment concept in itself, create new visual spaces. Another innovation is the Smart Home technology, of...
/show-1445.html 2011-05-16
...sp; RMB 600元/ m2 展位配置 标准展位(3m×3m)配置包括三面围板、一张洽谈桌、两把椅子、两只射灯、一只电源插座(220V/5A)、中文公司名称楣板; 布展细则 室内光地不包括任何配置。另按展...
/show-9231.html 2011-03-31
...是托物流公司代收。 CLS:closing=C/D=closing date =ETC(estimated time of closing),指截关日期或截关时间。 C/O:有两种解释 1、certificate of origin (原)产地证书;2、care of 经、由(信函以某人转交或业务经某人代办) CWT:hundred weight 为英...
/show-1913.html 2010-04-24
...备和制品等)。 收费标准 标准展位(3m×3m): 光地(54 m2起租) 展厅 国内部品展厅: 8800元 专题部品展厅:880元/ m2 4、5、7、9、12号厅 城市城镇展厅: 25000元 城市城镇展厅:2500元/ m2 11号厅 房...
/show-10721.html 2011-05-09
...)检测石材改性后抗压强度的提高;用偏光显微镜(OLMPUSB×60)观察改性后石材的微观组织,计算确定其渗透程度;用红光谱仪(IR一400)测定改性前后石材的化学成分变化。 首先是切面微观形态分析。  ...
/show-20669.html 2013-01-07