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241. 魔方大厦

... : 2005.12- Completion :Office 2009.04 / Restaurant 2009.07 Scale: the 1st basement,the 9th floors Floor Area: 13,000 m2   这是地方城市交通局的办公楼和餐厅.目标是成为开发区门户的标志性建筑。在呈网格状布置的种有100棵乔木的园林...

/show-408.html 2010-03-13

242. ZNA建筑事务所设计政府楼

...rary structure,completed in 2010, is a local government office building in the heart of haxi district. The site is at the crux of harbin's new central business district, which neighbours the city’s university quarter. The 23, 110sqm building is designed by Boston based architectural firm ZNA. ...

/show-16773.html 2011-11-04

243. 建筑也疯狂冲破想象的东南亚另类建筑

...能性有多大? [page] 史上最大机器人 亚洲银行大楼(The Robot Building) 史上最大的机器人在哪里?不在你家的车库,不在美国机器人博物馆,也不在好莱坞的制片现场里。它离我们很近,站在曼谷街头一抬头就能看见它,它...

/show-5237.html 2010-12-08

244. 石材行业国家标准编号九

...y structures. Design, selection of materials and execution of masonry (together with United Kingdom National Application Document) BS EN 13919-2002 ...

/show-656.html 2010-04-19

245. 石材行业国家标准编号十

...ements constructed with clay, natural stone or concrete pavers - Guide for the structural design of heavy duty pavements constructed of clay pavers or precast concrete paving blocks ...

/show-659.html 2010-04-19

246. 石材业国家标准编号2

...ements constructed with clay, natural stone or concrete pavers - Guide for the structural design of heavy duty pavements constructed of clay pavers or precast concrete paving blocks ...

/show-9039.html 2011-03-29

247. Atelier Brückner 设计腓特列多尼尔博物馆

...p;  “Where great pioneers meet!” According to this motto, the new Dornier Museum takes the visitors on a journey to the world of aerospace. About 400 exhibits give a survey of 100 years of pioneering spirit at Dornier.     如果你是一个飞机迷,对各个时...

/show-16764.html 2011-11-04

248. 80个奇异美妙的建筑设计(一)

...ncouver, Canada) 驱魔装置,地点:加拿大温哥华   The Crooked House (Sopot, Poland) 众议院的弯曲,地点:波兰索波特   Museum of Contemporary Art (Niteroi, Brazil) 当代艺术博物馆,地点:巴西尼泰罗伊   ING Headquarters (A...

/show-2233.html 2010-05-12

249. 世界建筑节专卖店建筑奖哈瓦那品牌销售店

...闭,覆盖通风和灌溉。 Havaianas Sandals, created in 1962, drew their inspiration from the “zori”, traditional Japanese slippers made of rice straw. A product of extremely low cost, for many years they were just rubber flip-flops, a long way from the fashion icon they are today....

/show-585.html 2010-03-17

250. Sauerbruch Hutton事务所设计联邦环境局办公大楼

...:南雪倩 设计:Sauerbruch Hutton事务所       The Offices for the Federal Environmental Agency present a case study for sustainable building. Active and passive strategies for the reduction of energy consumption and carbon dioxide production are realised in an architectu...

/show-16762.html 2011-11-04