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231. 石材洗脸池

...计都是为了实现您心中那个最纯真的家园之梦. This is the eased flat edge, available in both 3 centimeter and as a laminated 4 centimeter (two pieces of 2 centimeter glued together using epoxy.) One of the simplest edges available, it is also an economical choice.

/show-680.html 2013-03-05

232. 奢华洗脸池

...设计都是为了实现您心中那个最纯真的家园之梦. This is the 3 centimeter bevel edge, in which the top corner is cut at a 45-degree angle. This is a classic mid-range edge.

/show-683.html 2013-03-05

233. 国外石材大板欣赏6

  Country of Origin: Italy The large, subtly-colored flakes scattered on this black background make Black Beauty granite one of our most unique stones. This is one of the premier black granites due to its unusual variation.

/show-691.html 2010-03-22

234. 国外石材大板欣赏10

  Close-up: Country of Origin: Norway Blue in the Night is a wonderfully dark, rich black stone with flecks of bright blue labradorite. This is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a black stone with a spot of color, or anyone who likes the look of Labrador Antique but prefers ...

/show-695.html 2010-03-22

235. 国外石材大板欣赏20

  Country of Origin: Brazil This exquisite new granite features large flakes formed by the presence of smooth rocks embedded in the block of stone. True to its name, Emerald Green features shades of forest, olive, jade and grass green misted with some gray and even a hint of turquoise.

/show-705.html 2010-03-22

236. 香港设计师 Kaman Tung 的家居设计

...是一组名为"FAMILY"的设计项目。包括Backpack Chair, the HangerChair ,the Table。

/show-2611.html 2010-05-21

237. 20款绝对经典的椅子设计欣赏

...arkling 椅子 M 椅子 [page] Schair Vermelha 椅子 [page] The Bloom Easy chair HC Andersen [page] The Worker KOLO Arm椅子 P38 椅子

/show-4909.html 2010-08-23

238. 白色大理石储物盒 非凡创意的设计

...撬开。 饶有趣味。 点击看VIDEO [page]  Noko noko is the succesfull ending of researches on weight and handling. The result is this padlock box. Sculptural monolith in white marble becoming a completely different product when entering in interplay with its lever key.  MO...

/show-11494.html 2011-07-11

239. Front Design——未来家具

...获得本年度Design Miami/Art Basel的“未来设计师”(Designer of the of the Future)大奖。下面让我们共同欣赏这些不可思议的家具。 Found系列: 单腿支撑的椅子漂浮的抽屉 Magic系列: 悬浮空中的灯

/show-13528.html 2011-08-26

240. 25位全球顶尖室内设计师访谈 直击大师手笔

...成为美国顶级的室内设计大师之一。   Study and absorb the good things that you see and then put them together in your own way. It has all been done before but, your way is the newest. ——Mario Buatta(研究、吸收你能看到的好设计,最终变成自己的。...

/show-11878.html 2011-08-15