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11. 德国红点设计大奖 简约舒适风格家居

...nimum dimensions and a weight of only 4,044 grammes it is very robust. The seat and the backrest consist of a monolithically cast glass-filled nylon shell. The four identical legs are made of rustproof steel. The plastic shell and the steel legs are connected with a conical joint. Thanks to a simple...

/show-1047.html 2011-05-16

12. SOPRA UPPER LOUNGE Munge Leung作品欣赏

...international delicacies sorted in five interesting sections like "land", "sea", "earth", "frittura" and "sweet things". You can choose from an array of premium wines, exotic martinis and lip—smacking cocktails to complement the fantastic food. Savor these flavors and groove to the live music ...

/show-11252.html 2011-06-07

13. 年青建筑师成为GAJ后起之秀

...l Sheikh,)的住宅和旅馆项目“红海里维埃拉”(Red Sea Riviera)获得评审团高度的赞扬。 伊格纳西奥-戈麦斯就获得“最佳年青建筑师奖”谈看法说:“我的获奖应当感谢公司,特别是感谢主理合伙人布赖恩-约...

/show-18319.html 2011-11-16

14. 常见石材产品中英文对照(不断补充中)-M

... [ M ] 马提尼红 Martini [ M ] 马沙红 Rosa Tea [ M ] 马瑙红 Sea-Waue Flower

/show-8498.html 2011-03-23

15. 常见石材产品中英文对照(不断补充中)-Y

... Y ] 亚根庭绿 Verde Argento [ Y ] 亚歌红(卡伯拉) Cobra Red 或 Sea-Waue Flower [ Y ] 仲夏黄 African Lilac [ Y ] 咪咪石 Yimi stone [ Y ] 亚迪绿 Artic Green [ Y ] 雅士图白 Ariston [ Y ] 雅士白 Ariston [ Y ] 雅典米黄 Pearl

/show-8518.html 2011-03-23

16. 常见石材产品中英文对照(不断补充中)-H

...珊瑚 Hassan Green [ H ] 海洋白 White Marine [ H ] 海洋白砂石 Sea White [ H ] 海洋绿 Ocean Green 或 OceanGreen(India) 或 Verde Marina [ H ] 汉白玉 White Marble [ H ] 杭灰 Hang Grey [ H ] 蚝珠黑 Oyster Pearl [ H ] 河水绿 River Green [ H ] 荷花绿 Lotus Green...

/show-8492.html 2011-03-23

17. 2010ASLA景观专业奖|规划与分析荣誉奖:A Cradle to Cradle Inspired

...a man-made "cultural landscape" of a Dutch polder (land reclaimed from the seas), the planning concepts promote regenerative design agenda of C2C philosophy at all scales, from regional ecological connectivity to enhanced landscape biodiversity, and from workplace health and well- being to neighb...

/show-9031.html 2011-05-16

18. 2010红点获奖作品 德国Ch04 houdini扶手椅和靠背椅3

...s and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.” This is one of the messages of the writer and pilot Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, the creator of the renowned novella “The Little Prince”. A message that aims at conveying that, above all, inspirati...

/show-10459.html 2011-05-16

19. 国际贸易运输单据的种类

...的种类很多,包括 海运 提单(Ocean Bill of Lading)、 海运 单(Sea Waybill)、航空运单(Air Waybill)、铁路运单(Rail Waybill)、货物承运收据(Cargo Receipt)和多式联运单据(MTD)等。   A. 海运 提单   海运提单的性质和作用   海运提单是承...

/show-8365.html 2011-03-21

20. 天然石材名称英语词汇总汇

...iscuss 海珊瑚 Hassan Green 海洋白 White Marine 海洋白砂石 Sea White 海洋绿 Ocean Green 海洋绿 Ocean Green (India) 海洋绿 Verde Marina 汉白玉 White Marble 杭灰 Hang Grey 蚝珠黑 Oyster Pearl 河水绿 River Green 荷花绿 Lotus Green 黑白根 Nero ...

/show-200.html 2010-04-09