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11. 2010红点奖产品设计类获奖作品 iMac电脑

...s of brightness and distance when working at a computer. The design of the new iMac integrates its display following a new approach, and with its enclosure made entirely of aluminium communicates a new understatement of computer design in the 21st century. With its clear language of form the current...

/show-10383.html 2011-05-16

12. 德国红点设计大奖 精致室内装饰

... manufacturing processes and industrial production have been forged into a new type of production. This innovative manufacturing process is unrivalled, and each tile is unique. A relief with hand-laid gold or silver inlays creates the design’s plasticity. A new glazing technique has been devel...

/show-1570.html 2011-05-16

13. 2010天然石材应用奖

...然石材应用奖的颁奖仪式。获奖名单如下: Winners:New build modern style stone cladding Award winner:Norwich Cathedral Hostry,Norwich Highly commended:Energus Skills Centre,Workington, Cumbria Cannon Bridge House,London Commended:141 Bothwell Street,Glasgow ...

/show-5280.html 2011-02-12

14. 世界建筑节办公建筑奖 汉堡Unileverhaus办公楼

...了高效能的热回收系统以及ETFE膜的建设。 Unileverhaus, the new headquarters for the Unilever Germany Company, is situated in a prominent location in Hamburg’s HafenCity, one of the most dynamic new urban developments in Europe. Directly on the banks of the Elbe River and close ...

/show-584.html 2010-03-17

15. 2010ASLA景观专业奖|规划与分析荣誉奖:(TRID)总体规划

...landscape improvements serve as the essential vehicle for establishing a renewed community interface with two rail stations, as well as providing new opportunities for community greening initiatives.   Introduction Since the expansion of the nation's highway system, public transit has oft...

/show-9033.html 2011-05-16

16. 2010红点奖产品设计类获奖作品 苹果魔术鼠标

...mfortably. In the 1980s, the Apple mouse ball marked the beginning of this new “species”, defining both the form and the working principle of computer mice to come. The Magic Mouse is the current incarnation of the Apple mouse and it offers users new experiences and entirely new “s...

/show-10382.html 2011-05-16

17. 德国红点设计大奖2009年创意家居系列一

...fa: its parts can be rearranged again and again to form something entirely new. The sofa’s designer, Philippe Nigro, was inspired to this kind of design through pieces of contemporary art, borrowing the principles of addition and the direct stringing together of different volumes to lend the s...

/show-998.html 2011-05-16

18. 美国石材市场需求排行榜

...治亚州(Georgia) 5. 俄克拉何马州(Oklahoma) 6. 纽约(New York) 7. 路易斯安那州(Louisiana) 8. 密苏里州(Missouri) 9. 科罗拉多州(Colorado) 10.北卡罗来纳州(North Carolina) 美国对大理石需求最大的前10个城市是: 1.奥斯汀(Austin) 2....

/show-8621.html 2011-03-24

19. 天然石材名称英语词汇总汇

...。 阿拉伯白 Arabescato Normal 埃及红 Aswan Red 埃及米黄 New Beige 艾丽丝红 Rosa Iris 爱斯他银 Oyster Silver 安东尼巧克力 Adoni Chocolee 桉树绿 Verdre Eucalipto 奥斯塔绿 Verde Aosta 澳洲沙石(粉红色) Mount White (Pink) 澳洲沙石(金黄色...

/show-200.html 2010-04-09

20. 签合同时合同事务的常用表达

...合同上签了字。 A Japanese company and SINOCHEM have entered into a new contract.中国化工进出口总公司已经和日本一家公司签订了一份新合同。 It was because of you that we landed the contract.因为你,我们才签了那份合同。 We offered a much lower price, s...

/show-5632.html 2010-12-31