... 方便生活 bringing more convenience to the people in their daily life; providing amenities for the people; making life easier for the population 各式俱全 wide selection; large assortment 顾客第一 Customers first 顾客是...
/show-2266.html 2010-05-12
...ment of the waves and rocks, the beautiful spray show the graceful dances. Life is breeding here with sculpting the solid topiary work of sea trees and cobblestones by the strength of water, which comes from nature. 如雕塑般的立柱借助形式节奏感体现的微妙张力增加了空间的...
/show-19560.html 2012-03-22
...ulbs that draw nutrients from plants through photosynthesis and store new life. [page] 在今年2011米兰设计展览上,日本设计公司Neodo的这件作品展示了捷克波希米亚玻璃制造商Lasvit吹制玻璃工艺品绝美的艺术性。Neodo抽到的主题是...
/show-11503.html 2011-07-11
/show-444.html 2010-05-10
...室内设计师》、《CASA》、《缤纷》、《家具廊》、《HIE LIFE》、《时尚诠释》、《时尚家居》、《时尚旅游》、《家饰》、《家居主张》、《南方周末》、《羊城晚报》、《深圳商报》《现代装饰》、《人居》及新浪网、搜狐网...
/show-16960.html 2011-11-07
...ng materials for people who appreciate sturdy furniture. At the end of its life cycle, both fibre glass and metal can be recycled. 三、 Rolf Benz 6900 Sofaprogramm red dot red dot award: product design 2005 The design of the 6900 sofa model is oriented to the basic max...
/show-1139.html 2011-05-16
...s loving nanny who with her umbrella floats, so to speak, through everyday life, the opening and deploying movement of this rotary clothes dryer performs its own magic – with an emotionalising appeal for the user. Moreover, an integrated cover which protects the whole dryer opens with just one...
/show-10404.html 2011-05-16
...次世博主题"滋养地球,生命源"(feeding the planet, energy for life),这次世博场馆建筑呈现很大一个特点:建筑本身的环保性。无论是节能建筑或是可以净化空气的建筑,换言之,这也将是一次文化最多元的“绿色建筑”大展。【...
/show-22326.html 2015-05-06
...次世博主题"滋养地球,生命源"(feeding the planet, energy for life),这次世博场馆建筑呈现很大一个特点:建筑本身的环保性。无论是节能建筑或是可以净化空气的建筑,换言之,这也将是一次文化最多元的“绿色建筑”大展。【...
/show-22326.html 2015-05-06
...次世博主题"滋养地球,生命源"(feeding the planet, energy for life),这次世博场馆建筑呈现很大一个特点:建筑本身的环保性。无论是节能建筑或是可以净化空气的建筑,换言之,这也将是一次文化最多元的“绿色建筑”大展。【...
/show-22326.html 2015-05-06