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11. 国外石材大板欣赏8

  Country of Origin: Brazil Blue Bahia is quarried in the Brazilian coastal state of Bahia. This is an exquisite and highly-valued stone. The rare blue hues are primarily made up of fossilized carbon. We also carry this material in 2cm, as well as a variation of this stone with larger a...

/show-693.html 2010-03-22

12. 国外石材大板欣赏10

  Close-up: Country of Origin: Norway Blue in the Night is a wonderfully dark, rich black stone with flecks of bright blue labradorite. This is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a black stone with a spot of color, or anyone who likes the look of Labrador Antique but prefers ...

/show-695.html 2010-03-22

13. 威廉莫里斯经纪公司 石材工程欣赏

...岗岩,主厅内墙,电梯墙,楼梯,楼梯墙面都将采用法国Blue De Lille石灰岩,电梯其他部分则用St.Nicolas Clair石灰岩。外部阳台和绿化区的装饰采用Blue De Lille石灰岩,浴室则采用Calacatta Gold大理石。 威廉莫里斯经纪公司 石材工...

/show-1174.html 2010-04-01

14. 常见石材产品中英文对照(不断补充中)-C

... Kashmire White [ C ] 岑溪红 Cenxi Red [ C ] 查菲比蓝 Zaphipe Blue [ C ] 查菲比棕 Zaphipe Brown [ C ] 橙皮红 Rosa Tea [ C ] 春天红 Spring Rose [ C ] 春天绿 Spring Ray [ C ] 纯黑麻 Absoluto Black [ C ] 纯墨绿麻 Verde Assoluto [ C ] 中国兰 china blue [ C ]...

/show-8484.html 2011-03-23

15. 加拿大通讯公司办公空间设计

  BLUE Communications 办公空间设计,由加拿大设计师 Jean Guy Chabauty 与 Anne Sophie Goneau 联手完成。BLUE 成立于1998年,专注于 Web 开发,品牌推广,电子商务等业务,其255。5平米的办公空间位于蒙特利尔一栋大楼的八层,这里曾经是...

/show-20376.html 2012-11-27

16. 燕山蓝钻

...ranite 本段产地:中国河北 | China HeBei 本段底色:蓝色 | Blue 紋路顏色:蓝色 | Blue 花草样式:斑点颗粒 | Spots particles 使用领域:室内外装饰、构件.台面板.洗手盆 | The room inside and outside decoration, components. A panel. Lavabo 岩石特...

/show-20870.html 2013-01-28

17. 石材中英文对译——D篇

... 达比花 Darby Brown 金龙米黄 Dargon Yellow 广宁墨蓝星 Dark Blue Star Of Guangning 宝兴墨晶 Dark Crystals Of Baoxing 深啡网 Dark Emperador 深色大花绿(墨绿青) Dark Green 恒山青 Dark Green And Green Of Heng Mountain 灵丘太白青 Dark Green And Whitest Of L...

/show-4951.html 2010-08-24

18. 石材中英文对译——F篇

...ance Cream 法国米黄 Frans Beige  French Beige 新雅蓝 Fresh Blue 青蛙绿 Frog Green 佛岗青 Fu Gang Blue 福建红 FuJian Red 福建黄麻 Fujian Yellow Grain 富利米黄 Fuli Beige 芙尼尔红 Funil 芙蓉红 Furong Red 福寿红 FuShou Red

/show-4950.html 2010-08-24

19. 常见石材产品中英文对照(不断补充中)-L

...木 Azu Imperial Peual [ L ] 蓝星蜜桃红 Rosa Peach [ L ] 蓝麻 Blue Pearl [ L ] 蓝金沙 Palissandro Blue [ L ] 拉斯金钻麻 Laranjeiras [ L ] 拉卡米黄 Cream Laca [ L ] 拉丁白 White Sardo [ L ] 拉布拉多绿 Labrador [ L ] 罗丝转红 Rosa Ghiandone [ L ] 罗莎...

/show-8496.html 2011-03-23

20. 外贸小知识 石材英语大全

...s 宝石啡 Gem Brown 贝勒米黄 Cream Bello 比花蓝 Peval Gream Blue Bahia 彼拉尔巴红 Rosa Peralba 边绿 Verde Verge 宾拉卡红 Pokkala Red 波涛奇瑙挑红石 Pottochino Peack 伯君子黄沙石 P.Jaunz 伯朗细花 Adoni Chocolee 伯朗细花 Imperial Brown 布...

/show-4540.html 2010-07-28