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11. 德国红点设计大奖 创意地板装饰

...n Q Carpet Tile 沉稳大方;DLW Linoleum Collection 2008 亮丽炫目;Beige & Brown Stroken Tiles 质朴古典;Spektra Flooring光彩照人,亮丽奢华,令人目眩。一起去感受别样的地板设计为我们带来的盛会! 一、Collection Q Carpet Tile red dot red dot awar...

/show-1573.html 2011-05-16

12. 天然石材名称英语词汇总汇

... 阿拉伯白 Arabescato Normal 埃及红 Aswan Red 埃及米黄 New Beige 艾丽丝红 Rosa Iris 爱斯他银 Oyster Silver 安东尼巧克力 Adoni Chocolee 桉树绿 Verdre Eucalipto 奥斯塔绿 Verde Aosta 澳洲沙石(粉红色) Mount White (Pink) 澳洲沙石(金黄色) Mo...

/show-200.html 2010-04-09

13. 石材中英文对译——L篇

...ck 墨绿珠球 Labrador Scuro 蓝钻 LabrdorG.T 莱斯米黄 Laishi Beige 莱州青 Laizhou Green 莱州红 Laizhou Red 莱州白 Laizhou White 湖水蓝 Lake Placid Blue 少女之梦 Laky Dream 火板烧 Laming Slab 隆回山水画 Landscape Paintings Of Longhui 桧木石 Lan...

/show-4938.html 2010-08-24

14. 石材中英文对译——M篇

... 大陆绿 Mainland Green 马六甲红 Malacca Rose 马蹄寺 Malatya Beige 泰雅米黄 Malay Botticino 曼哈顿绿 Manhaton Green 人造石 Man-made Stone 猫玛红 Maoma Red 红棕 Maple Red 枫叶红 Maple-Leaf Red 大理石 Marble 银珍珠 Marin Pearl 英珠 Marina Pear...

/show-4937.html 2010-08-24

15. 石材中英文对译——G篇

...越金麻 Giallo Alba 古典金麻 Giallo Antico 贝勒金麻 Giallo Beige 加州金麻 Giallo California 秋黄 Giallo Caspian 金山麻 Giallo Cecilia 德玛拉金缎 Giallo Damara 富达玛金 Giallo Fatima 金钻麻 Giallo Fiorito 印度黄 Giallo India 拿破仑金麻 Giallo...

/show-4949.html 2010-08-24

16. 石材中英文对译——R篇

...荷花钻 Rovera 新沙安娜米黄 Royal Batticino 皇家米黄 Royal Beige 银芭拉 Royal Blue 莎安娜米黄 Royal Botticino 皇室奶油 Royal Crema 古铜黄 Royal Gold 皇家金檀 Royal Golden Flower 皇室灰 Royal Grey 青紫水晶 Royal Mahogany 紫晶麻 Royal Mmhoga...

/show-4941.html 2010-08-24

17. 国外石材大板欣赏2

...p; Country of Origin: Brazil This granite features neutral shades of beige and desaturated green. The subtle veining creates interest without overpowering the overall design. Avocato would be the perfect stone for clients who wish to create a more unified color scheme, rather than setting the ...

/show-687.html 2010-03-22

18. 国外石材大板欣赏5

  Country of Origin: Brazil This exquisite blue quartzite features soft veining in a lovely sky-blue color. Darker veins of cerulean and subtle infusions of warm beige make this a truly unique stone.

/show-690.html 2010-03-22

19. 国外石材大板欣赏11

  Country of Origin: Ukraine This dramatic granite features flakes of rich iridescent blue labradorite interspersed with deep black. A subtle beige- or aqua-colored background barely outlines the black.

/show-696.html 2010-03-22

20. 博都米黄

...线均匀分布,光度一般,易胶补。 产地中东,英文名BEIGE PORTOFINO,这种石材底色米黄,红筋均匀分布,主要应用在室内。常见缺陷是色差大,有红斑,泥状孔洞多,花纹差异大,大面积白花(白花以越少越好)。博都米黄光...

/show-1158.html 2012-11-14