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11. 建筑间的缝隙中 完美存在的电梯设计

...in a short period of time. These neighbourhoods, as Galtzaraborda, are usually high density areas which often have left the valley floor and its settlements begin to climb up the mountains.   The buildings are placed following the logic of the topographic lines, covering different levels a...

/show-11399.html 2011-06-16

12. 德国红点设计大奖2009年创意家居系列二

...09     Blobina is an extremely elementary element – a small “boulder” with a soft pouff (cushion) to sit on. It is made with the latest techniques for mould-shaping flexible polyurethane and is covered with an especially designed fabric in surprising and intense colour...

/show-1023.html 2011-05-16

13. 2010世界建筑设计节最佳室内设计奖:ANZ中心

ANZ中心,haell,澳大利亚墨尔本all images courtesy haellphotographer: earl carter (unle otherwise noted) 澳大利亚建筑事务所haell凭借他们设计的“ANZ 中心”赢得了今年 世界建筑设计节最佳室内设计配饰奖。“ANZ中心”位于澳大...

/show-18379.html 2011-11-22

14. 德国红点设计大奖 精致室内装饰

... 以下获奖设计作品都因其精致设计胜人一筹。Aimée Wall and Floor Tiles 精致,典雅,雍容华贵;Luminoso Translucent Wood 古色古 香;Saima Design Wood Flooring 优雅高档;Straightforward Carpet Tile清爽怡人。每个设计作品都以其独特的风格吸...

/show-1570.html 2011-05-16

15. [双语]趣闻:"昆虫旅馆"亮相伦敦

...ARUP (the same architects who dreamed up Beijing' CCTV tower) is hoping all kinds of iects and iders will check into its Bug Hotel, which is designed to bring helpful iects into London parks and just won the city of Londo#39 "eyond the Hive" competition. Bug Hotel, which is designed to b...

/show-17700.html 2011-11-07

16. 揭示:集装箱的海运运费的算法

...率有以 下三种表现形式: (1)FAK包箱费率(FREIGHT FOR ALL KINDS)--即对每一集装箱不细分箱内货类,不计货量(在重要限额之内)统一收取的运价。 (2)FCS包箱费率(FREIGHT FOR CLASS)--按不同货物等级制定的包箱费率,集装箱...

/show-4297.html 2010-07-16

17. 奥尔索普的新公司在海外开设办事处

...(Will Alsop)的新公司——“总设计公司”(All Design)将于圣诞节之前,在海外开设一个办事处。奥尔索普预测,他的公司的工作量有四分之三将来自海外客户。 图片为奥尔索普(右)和他的合作伙伴斯科特-劳...

/show-16568.html 2011-11-03

18. 德国红点设计大奖 创意实用办公用品

...dash; which was created by Antonio Citterio, a designer who is known above all for objective and elegant concepts – features a design that is the outcome of a very clear attitude: instead of developing its form in a one-dimensional approach only via the primacy of comfort or its functional cha...

/show-1239.html 2011-05-16

19. 陶瓷应用于建筑的典范 西班牙小学

...and ports. Structures consultancy. Manuel Comas, industrial engineer. Installations consultancy.   AWARDS: Ceramic Awards of Architecture and Interior Design 2010. Distinction.   EXHIBITIONS: 7th Edition TRANS/HITOS 2011 Architecture and Interior Design Exhibition in Ceramics. Va...

/show-11400.html 2011-06-16

20. 深圳宝安碧海片区商业岛、商务岛城市设计国际咨询公告

...be a multi-purpose zone in coastal area of Center Baoan District, and gradually become an important part of Western Shenzhen CAA District (Central Activity Areas); make the commercial island and business island to be built up attract concentrated colorful high-end services in Eastern Pearl River E...

/show-5037.html 2011-01-14