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171. 石材业国家标准编号1

...physical properties of aggregates - Part 8: Determination of the polished stone value EN 1342-2001 外...

/show-9035.html 2011-03-29

172. 您不可不知的外贸术语

...;       本术语英文为“Carriage Paid to):tid to(... named place of destination)”,即“运费付至(......指定目的地)”。        本术语系指卖方支付货物运至指定目的地的运费。关于货...

/show-1778.html 2010-04-21

173. 德国红点设计大奖 创意无处不在的作品展

...able of withstanding heavy weather – still, Kloe has a pleasant feel to the touch and is comfortable. The seat is made of nylon or polyethylene, using a rotational moulding process with which either a shining or a matt (in the polyethylene version) surface can be attained.  三、lady...

/show-1028.html 2011-05-16

174. 国际贸易运输单据的种类

...分不记名指示和记名指示:不记名指示提单仅填写“To order”(凭指定),必须由托运人背书后才能转让,又称“空白抬头”。记名指示提单填写“To the order of … ”(凭某某指定),该某某即为具体的指示人,...

/show-8365.html 2011-03-21

175. 国外石材大板欣赏1

Amarelo Argentina 3cm Bundle #4859 Country of Origin: Argentina This relatively consistent stone, made up of flakes of cream, gold and black, offers a slightly more unusual alternative to selections such as Santa Cecilia or Giallo Vicenza.

/show-686.html 2010-03-18

176. 国外石材大板欣赏2

...tle veining creates interest without overpowering the overall design. Avocato would be the perfect stone for clients who wish to create a more unified color scheme, rather than setting the granite apart as a focal point.

/show-687.html 2010-03-22

177. 国外石材大板欣赏3

... deep, vibrant blues present in this material are rarely found in natural stone. "Azul" translates to "blue" in the Portuguese. The deep blue contrasted with whites and grays makes this a good choice for French Country and other European styles, since it recalls the delicate beauty of dresden china....

/show-688.html 2010-03-22

178. 国外石材大板欣赏6

  Country of Origin: Italy The large, subtly-colored flakes scattered on this black background make Black Beauty granite one of our most unique stones. This is one of the premier black granites due to its unusual variation.

/show-691.html 2010-03-22

179. 国外石材大板欣赏7

Country of Origin: Italy Black Cosmic is a welcome addition to our inventory, since it offers an option in black granite that features dramatic movement. The flowing veins in this stone are a warm neutral color, making this granite even more versatile.

/show-692.html 2010-03-22

180. 国外石材大板欣赏10

...ry of Origin: Norway Blue in the Night is a wonderfully dark, rich black stone with flecks of bright blue labradorite. This is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a black stone with a spot of color, or anyone who likes the look of Labrador Antique but prefers black to brown.  

/show-695.html 2010-03-22