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161. 石材出口-海运知识小结

...放有关的常用英文单词有这么两个ELEX RELEASE(TLX RLS)和SURRENDER. TLX RLS 中国人都明白,但是外国人好象不怎么常用,他们一般都用后者。SURRENDER这个词一般作“递交”解,但是在海运业有特别意义,“SHPR HAS SURRENDERED OB/L AT ...

/show-8140.html 2011-03-16

162. 专访MAD建筑事务所实习生及作品赏析 乌苏拉凯泽

... is one of the most recognized architectural practices in China and worldwide. Every year, MAD receives countless job and internship applications. To be able to work at MAD will definitely enrich your career as even though the people working here might have been lucky, but are undeniably outstand...

/show-9411.html 2011-04-06

163. 现代建筑大师系列之勒·柯布西耶(Le Corbusier)

...bsp; 勒·柯布西耶于1887年10月6日出生在瑞士小镇 Chaux-des-Fonds,查尔斯·艾都阿德·吉纳瑞特 (Charles·Edouard Jeanneret)是他出生时的姓名。1920年,在他还是一名艺术家的初期,他就意识到自己的一生即将从事建筑而...

/show-4760.html 2010-08-11

164. 2010ASLA景观专业奖|规划与分析荣誉奖:Isla Palenque

... seems that they spoke to the people who live there and the solutions were developed from their culture, which is very important.” —2010 Professional Awards Jury   Isla Palenque, a 434-acre Panamanian island, serves as a model for geo-responsible design practices throughout Centr...

/show-9037.html 2011-05-16

165. 建筑大师安东尼奥·高迪 创造巴塞罗那建筑灵魂

...bsp;     [page] 圣家族大教堂 Templo de la Sagrada Familia (Temple of the Holy family)     高迪后期是一位虔诚的教徒,遗憾的是他几乎用尽毕生精力设计的两个教堂均为全部建成。 古埃尔教堂是古埃尔领...

/show-4779.html 2010-08-12