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151. 石材外贸英语 外贸人接待客户必备58句

...,今天我到这里来接你。     5.I"m Donald. We met the last time you visited Taiwan. 我是唐纳德,上次你来台湾时我们见过面。     6.I"m Edwin. I"ll show you to your hotel. 我是爱德温,我带你去旅馆。     7.How was y...

/show-3766.html 2010-06-28

152. 建筑大师伯纳德·屈米作品--竹语

...地设计自己的空间。  Infinite Bamboo   We approached the Infinite Interior project as an opportunity to explore the possibility of using bamboo-a traditional Asian building material that is both inexpensive and environmentally sustainable-in unexpected and innovative ways. The ap...

/show-4798.html 2010-08-12

153. Atelier Brückner 设计纺织工业国家博物馆

...: Atelier Brückner 摄影:Volker Mai     On the site of the Augsburg Worsted Spinning Mill, the State Museum of Textile and Industry presents the history of the Bavarian textile industry. An exhibition area of 2500 square metres is dedicated to the textile world around f...

/show-16765.html 2011-11-04

154. 世界建筑节学术类奖珀尔时尚学院

...信息: 2009年世界建筑节学术类奖 简介: 原 名 称:The Pearl Academy of Fashion, Jaipur CategoryLearning LocationJaipur, India Architect Morphogenesis, New Delhi, India WAF Entry2009 项目面积:11745平方米 珀尔时尚学院由Morphogenesis设计。依赖于...

/show-582.html 2010-03-17

155. [双语]趣闻:"昆虫旅馆"亮相伦敦

Most architects design structures with the hope that bugs wo#39;t take up residence iide, but design house ARUP (the same architects who dreamed up Beijing' CCTV tower) is hoping all kinds of iects and iders will check into its Bug Hotel, which is designed to bring helpful iects into Lon...

/show-17700.html 2011-11-07

156. 广晟生态城概念规划设计国际竞赛报名公告

...的复合型特色生态旅游休闲度假区。   In order to boost the local economic development of Yingde City and upgrade the tourist industry in the northern mountainous area of Guangdong in response to the call of CPC’s Guangdong Provincial Committee and Guangdong Provincial Government...

/show-15660.html 2011-10-08

157. 2010红点获奖作品 The chair CH04 Houdini

——点击进入“2010红点奖作品展”专题 red dot award: product design 2010,red dot CH04 霍迪尼所表达的设计理念是将木头这种材质加以重新演绎,令其形状在制造过程中得以重新定义。整木压弯,使整体造型有着弯曲柔韧的...

/show-10630.html 2011-05-16

158. 夏威夷酒店欣赏--The Waikiki EDITION


/show-10829.html 2011-05-10

159. 谁来拿十万大奖

...造人才,鼓励人才。征召时间:2006-11月-14日征召地点:The House 艺术展览厅奖项设置:十万大奖。所有参赛者均有机会获得北京地产年度风云榜十大顶尖设计大奖。媒介报道:三十多家媒介共同见证本次盛会地产年度风云榜之地...

/show-16025.html 2011-10-24

160. 肖天宇 共享办公桌设计

  Appreciation towards Tianyu Xiao for providing the following description: [page] In this day and age, great changes have taken place in the way of people’s work. The rapid development of technology brings two main differences to our working environment, which can be summ...

/show-11341.html 2011-06-02