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141. KiBiSi为丹麦MUUTO品牌设计新系列

丹麦设计品牌MUUTO,其品牌名取自芬兰语“muttordquo;,即“fresh perective”,旨在以清新、原创的设计观点来发扬北欧悠久的设计传统。品牌创始人Peter与Kristian相信好的设计始于“人”,因此MUUTO常邀请北欧不...

/show-18824.html 2011-11-23

142. 大学城:顶级专业水准

...uoteautiful in aea- rance and intelligent in mind" is often used by people to describe good looking and virtuous girls. It is similarly alicable for aeing orts venues. Besides their stuing exteriors, orts venues must reach top profeional standards to win praises and recognition. Two newly- built ort...

/show-17837.html 2011-11-16

143. 2010第五届中国(深圳)国际室内设计文化节12月10日开幕


/show-18393.html 2011-11-22

144. 2010红点获奖作品 空气倍增无叶风扇

... device with an entirely new appearance. With its filigree loop sitting on top of a cylindrical base, it looks rather like a slender sculpture within a room than a generic fan. Though hard to imagine at first, it works without blades, yet is very powerful and can expel up to 450 litres of cool, unin...

/show-10408.html 2011-05-16

145. 世界建筑节别墅设计奖墨尔本Klein Bottle度假别墅

... 原 名 称:Klein Bottle House Klein Bottle House地处墨尔本Mornington半岛的海滩边,紧贴着海岸树林,复杂的旋转外观、亮眼材质与传统水泥板料的海滩小屋大异其趣,房子围绕的中央庭院,由一个大型的豪华台阶连接所有的水平面,创...

/show-581.html 2010-03-17

146. 常用外贸术语大全(一)

...orthAmerica EastboundRate B组 BAF 燃油附加费 Bunker AdjustmentFactor BAF 燃油附加费,大多数航线都有,但标准不一。 B/L 海运提单 Bill of Lading B/R 买价 Buying Rate C组(主要运费已付) CFR 成本加运费(……指定目的港) CFR...

/show-8319.html 2011-03-18

147. 石材外贸 误解装运条款引起争端

...批装运。对方开来信用证中有关装运条款规定:“840M/Tons of cottonseed oil. Loading port:Guangzhou. Partial shipments are allowed in tow lots,460M/Tons to London not later thean September 15 ,1994.380M/Tons to Liverpool not later than Octoder 15,1994. "(840公吨棉籽油,装...

/show-3604.html 2010-06-23

148. [双语]趣闻:"昆虫旅馆"亮相伦敦

...but design house ARUP (the same architects who dreamed up Beijing' CCTV tower) is hoping all kinds of iects and iders will check into its Bug Hotel, which is designed to bring helpful iects into London parks and just won the city of Londo#39 "eyond the Hive" competition. Bug Hotel, which...

/show-17700.html 2011-11-07

149. THE GUVERNMENT Munge Leung作品欣赏

...overs 22,000 square feet, boasts 20' high ceilings, and hosts thousands of Toronto's partying public, weekend after weekend. The Guvernment Entertainment Complex has been voted EYE Magazine's "Best Dance Club" in 2000 and 2001, while the city flocks to this party Mecca every week to experience the l...

/show-11255.html 2011-06-07

150. 世界建筑节假日特别奖图森餐馆

...yHoliday LocationRamundberget, Sweden Architect Murman Arkitekter ab, Stockholm, Sweden WAF Entry2009 该餐馆位于Helags和Skars山的滑雪场附近,是由当地桦树原木建造而成。斯德哥尔摩总部的Murman Arkitekter承担了餐馆的设计工作。圆形的构造使得餐...

/show-580.html 2010-03-17