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121. 西班牙最新名建筑 大都市阳伞 Metropol Parasol

... Project Architect:  Jürgen Mayer H.,  Andre Santer,  Marta Ramírez Iglesias Project Team: Ana Alonso de la Varga, Jan-Christoph Stockebrand, Marcus Blum, Paul Angelier, Hans Schneider, Thorsten Blatter, Wilko Hoffmann, Claudia Marcinowski, Sebastian Finckh, Alessandr...

/show-9321.html 2011-04-03

122. 迷失的空间——爱马仕巴黎左岸店

...巴黎最脏的泳池。由于泳池规模很大,强烈的装饰艺术(Art Deco)特征代表了一个时代的建筑特色,因此在 2005 年,Lutetia 泳池被政府列为保护建筑,不能够随意改变其结构。Lutetia泳池关闭之后,进行了多元化的新功能转化。慧...

/show-16857.html 2011-11-04

123. 黄小石:没有感动,就没有业务

...一点点变化,比如新古典在20世纪的2、30年代有个风格叫Art Deco,这就是很特殊的一个风格,这可以说是时代的风格。另外一种是个人的风格,就是说可能受到某一时代的影响,但个人做了一些变化。 20世纪现代的建筑有两个风...

/show-16411.html 2011-10-26

124. 创新建筑大师卡拉特拉瓦之密尔沃基美术馆新馆

... 密尔沃基美术馆新馆 Milwaukee Art Museum - Quadracci Pavilion 座落地点:密尔沃基,威斯康星州,美国 建筑设计:Santiago Calatrava 完工时间:2001  2001年,卡拉特拉瓦在美国的第一个作品建成,是威...

/show-4789.html 2010-08-12

125. 专访MAD建筑事务所实习生及作品赏析 乌苏拉凯泽

...sp;[page] Who is your favourite Architect and why? I'm not fixed to one particular architect as my favourite. I like different architects for different reasons. I like the structural patterns in the architecture designed by Herzog& de Meuron and the approach they adopt in every single project. ...

/show-9411.html 2011-04-06

126. 芬兰建筑大师:埃罗·沙里宁(Eero Saarinen)

...建筑事务所工作。1950年独自开业。[艺术中国网 http://www.artcn.cn/]    E·沙里宁设计了一系列新奇独特的作品,表现了丰富多彩的建筑语汇。埃罗·沙里宁1961年9月1日死于脑科手术中。1962年美国建筑师协会追授他金质奖章。...

/show-15278.html 2011-09-08

127. 德国红点设计大奖 非凡创意室内装修

... a unique piece. In the X-Board, the firebox is complemented by a wood compartment integrated on the side behind the asymmetrical front panel.    三、Jotul 373 wood burning stove red dot: best of the best red dot award: product design 2007     Modern-day Prometheus A...

/show-1220.html 2011-05-16

128. 德国红点设计大奖2009年创意家居系列一

... challenges the imagination, because cut up into many tiny pieces at the start, the image only starts to take shape in the mind by putting together all the parts. This principle of rearranging individual parts is perfectly embodied by the Confluences sofa: its parts can be rearranged again and again...

/show-998.html 2011-05-16

129. 新世界中心 New World Center / Gehry Partners

New World Symphony Mission: Led by founder and Artistic Director Michael Tilson Thomas, the New World Symphony, America’s Orchestral Academy, is dedicated to the artistic, personal and professional development of the next generation of classical musicians. It prepares gifted young g...

/show-10760.html 2011-05-09

130. Archdaily带您零距离接触日本建筑师藤本壮介

...you want to become a architect? I grew up in hokkaido, in the northern part of japan, surrounded by nature and I enjoyed just playing in the forest. I didn't think about any future of mine. my hero was albert einstein, so originally I wanted to be a physicist like him, I was interested in ...

/show-9127.html 2011-03-30