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1. 伦敦的“London Wall Place”项目提交规划申请

... Hammerson公司向伦敦金融城提交了关于伦敦“London Wall Place”(原先称为St Alphage场地)的计划。这座1950年代的建筑将被一座50万平方英尺的项目取代,设计者Make事务所的这一构想将塑造两座地标建筑之间的连接,即Londo...

/show-18290.html 2011-11-16

2. 石材养护产品的选择和比较

...比性和说服力,以法国的某公司的养护剂产品PELICOAT PRO WALL研制过程为例加以说明。   该公司用同一种硅氧烷共聚物作为基础料,分别用水和矿物油作为载体,配制成溶剂型试样PRO WALL #1和水乳液型试样PRO WALL #2进行比较。 ...

/show-8420.html 2011-03-21

3. 德国红点设计大奖 简约室内装修系列

...n be used in many different ways. They can be both mounted to the floor or wall and directed towards any desired direction. With their minimalist design and a sophisticated combination of stainless steel grades, optionally chromed or brushed, the A5001/A5002 are a real asset of their product categor...

/show-1175.html 2011-05-16

4. 新世界中心 New World Center / Gehry Partners

...trance of New World Center is set in a soaring, 80-foot-high glass curtain wall on the east façade, providing uninterrupted views of the skylit main atrium and the dramatic, tumbling forms of the interior spaces beyond. Created using glass with no iron content, the curtain wall is utter...

/show-10760.html 2011-05-09

5. 新加坡Khai House

...ground level, where there are spaces but with no trace of rooms bounded by walls. Physically, the delineation between the inside and the outside is blurred by the combination of stone, wood, concrete, and timber screens that gently prompts the eye to carve out notional spaces and enclosures in what ...

/show-4837.html 2010-08-16

6. 德国红点设计大奖 创意经典系列家居

...tabletop from 28 mm to minimalist 5 mm.  二、WK 409 artenaPanel Wall red dot red dot award: product design 2008    This construction is particularly focussing on its elegant functionality. Flat screens and varied accessories can be accommodated with a striking visual effect....

/show-1050.html 2011-05-16

7. 梅里达青年工场 艺术与生活的完美结合

...ngineer:  BOMA, LANIK Mechanical engineering: Carlos Rubio Climbing Wall: Top 30 Electrical Engineer:  INGENIERIA TÉCNICA CHACON , S.L.P. Floors manufactured: Forbo Lighting manufacturers: Talleres Zamora General contractor: PROCONDAL Wall manufacturers: ATA Photographer: Iw...

/show-11561.html 2011-07-15

8. 德国红点设计大奖 精致创意厨房装饰

...造出一种温馨舒适之感。一起去感受一下吧! 一、theWALL Rail System red dot red dot award: product design 2008     This innovative kitchen / living space conception is characterised by a strikingly clear visual language. Aluminium, black or stainless steel col...

/show-1445.html 2011-05-16

9. 德国红点设计大奖 精致室内装饰

... 以下获奖设计作品都因其精致设计胜人一筹。Aimée Wall and Floor Tiles 精致,典雅,雍容华贵;Luminoso Translucent Wood 古色古 香;Saima Design Wood Flooring 优雅高档;Straightforward Carpet Tile清爽怡人。每个设计作品都以其独特的风格吸...

/show-1570.html 2011-05-16

10. 上海玻璃博物馆 室内设计部分赏析

... black laqueres glass for the exhibition interior (cases, floor furniture, walls), but left the existing structure of the building untouched. Since the museum is located in a former glassmaking workshop and the designers tried to protect the old structures (open workshop ceiling, rough floor a...

/show-11496.html 2011-07-11