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1. 石材中英文对译——W篇

...te Big Flower Of Puning 细花白 White Carrara 白洞石 White cavity-stone 普宁大花白 White Coarse Grain Puning 海浪花 White oyster 白珠白麻 White Pearl Grain 幻彩白麻 White Piracema 红白色 White Red 荣城白 White Rongcheng 白沙 White Sand 林州白沙岩...

/show-4934.html 2010-08-24

2. 外贸英语课堂 外贸订单英语会话实例

...些外贸订单英语会话实例。      A: Stone Corp. Hi, Mary speaking. 隐四通公司, 您好,我是Mary。    B: Hello, I’d like to speak to Mr. Hunter, please. 你好,我想找Hunter先生。    A: May I ask who is calling, please? 请问您是...

/show-1979.html 2010-04-28

3. 石材中英文对译——Y篇

...ellow Jade 黄色山水纹 Yellow Landscape 乳黄石灰岩 Yellow Limestone 广灵象牙黄 Yellow Lvory Of Guangling 平山柏坡黄 Yellow Of Bai Po, Pingshan 彩晶黄 Yellow Of Colored Crystal 金河米黄 Yellow Riverstone 龙海黄玫瑰 Yellow Rose Of Dragon Hai 南非太阳...

/show-4944.html 2010-08-24

4. 德国红点设计大奖 非凡创意室内装修

...ferent sizes. Customers can also choose from several different granite and stone models cut to required sizes. This turns every stove into a unique piece. In the X-Board, the firebox is complemented by a wood compartment integrated on the side behind the asymmetrical front panel.    三...

/show-1220.html 2011-05-16

5. 石材中英文对译——S篇

...bao Red 大花砂 Sand Flower 沙贝利 Sand Shell 澳洲沙石 Sand Stone 沙浪 Sand Wave 金沙黄 Sand Yellow 沙岩 Sandstone 沙浪米黄 Sandvave Cream 圣诞绿 sante Green 圣地亚哥红 Santiago Red 三峡墨绿 Sanxia Dark Green 爱迪达 Saphire Brown 宝石蓝 S...

/show-4942.html 2010-08-24

6. 德国红点设计大奖 典雅别致室内装修

...d the essence of materials, their shapes and surroundings. Made of natural stone which extends opportunities for versatility, this fireplaces want to offer a simple, natural and innovative method of adaptation that breathes life into the star element, the fire. In the quarries the highest quality st...

/show-1215.html 2011-05-16

7. 石材中英文对译——R篇

...布红(彩虹) Rainbow 斑彩玉 Rainbow Jade 彩虹砂石 Rainbow Sandstone 燕山蓝 Rainforest Blue 丽莎红 Raisa 梦幻米黄 Ramsis Cream 浪泽红 Ranza Green G684 Raven Black 金丝麻(至尊金麻) Raw Silk 金丝缎 Raw Silk;Indian Ivory 红桃木 Rde Peach Wood 火...

/show-4941.html 2010-08-24

8. 新加坡Khai House

...eation between the inside and the outside is blurred by the combination of stone, wood, concrete, and timber screens that gently prompts the eye to carve out notional spaces and enclosures in what is an open ground plan without walls or a clear boundary line. The garden design pays careful attent...

/show-4837.html 2010-08-16

9. 石材中英文对译——G篇

...) Green Rose 绿斑豹 Green Spotl Eopard 房山青白石 Green White Stone Of Fangshan 承德燕山绿 Green Yan Mountain Of Cheng de 云灰 Grey 胜利灰麻 Grey Conquistador 杜傲依莎灰 Grey Duauesa 路易士银 Grey Duquesa 佛里斯塔灰 Grey Forresta 云石 Grey Marble ...

/show-4949.html 2010-08-24

10. 三亚时代海岸别墅设计 黄志达作品欣赏

...is the use of a series of elaborate decorations, such as bergamot, bizarre stones, and potted plants and carpet with clouds patterns, which are scattered in different corners, echoing each other and conveying the house owner's pursuit of Zen. However, are they the only ways to express Zen? Zen says,...

/show-11358.html 2011-06-16