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1. Interesting Space

Interesting Space

/show-5309.html 2010-12-20


点击进入知名设计公司Munge Leung专题介绍 LIVING SPACE CONCEPT Munge Leung作品欣赏,此别墅室内设计的风格源于对现代极简主义的风格回归,那些经过涂饰和抛光的木材、有着富丽温馨的色彩和华美的织物,以及精致黑色的点缀其中,...

/show-11163.html 2011-06-07

3. 无限空间 UNLIMITED SPACE Ceramic House

 这是西班牙马德里一个20世纪初的古典建筑阁楼,设计师 Héctor Ruiz-Velázquez对其进行了大胆的改造,在高程中间段加了一个层片,这个层片开拓了新的空间,提供了一个新的家庭体验,房间之间的过渡是连续的...

/show-11298.html 2011-05-30

4. 香榭丽舍大街上的展厅SHOWROOM

...roject realization. The issue is simple: to turn these levels into office space and showroom for its clients. A major constraint remains unsolved. How to take advantage of the two corridors that are more than 35m (115 ft) each, leading to the main spaces? The origin of the project consists therefo...

/show-11302.html 2011-05-30

5. 新加坡Khai House

...nterlocking forms at right angles to each other, and within this, activity spaces are separated from service spaces by levels – bedrooms on the upper level, activity areas on ground level and servants’ quarters in the basement. The approach to spatial definition is most vigorously pur...

/show-4837.html 2010-08-16

6. 伊莱克斯2010 “设计实验室”开赛 全球聚焦“The 2nd Space Age”

...)”全球招募日前正式启动。此次大赛以“The 2nd Space Age(次世代人居空间)”为设计主题,依旧要求所有参加设计的学生们着眼于“未来”,为2050年可预期的高度城市密集化和资源集约有限化的时空设计出能够...

/show-560.html 2011-01-14

7. 新世界中心 New World Center / Gehry Partners

...of-the-art technical capabilities, and an adjacent 2.5-acre public event space into which the institution will extend its programming. The campus is the first purpose-built home for the New World Symphony. The design for the campus’ program-focused building, conceived to be at the interse...

/show-10760.html 2011-05-09

8. 墓园中的咖啡馆 石材玻璃的经典工程

   [page]  Cafe Pavilion, Düren - A Moulded Space   Site and Commission The town cemetery in the Eastern part of Düren has taken on the role of a public park. Before, there was nowhere for visitors to the cemetery to shelter nor for large or small funeral cerem...

/show-11566.html 2011-07-15

9. Archdaily带您零距离接触日本建筑师藤本壮介

...ing is assembled and very functional, meanwhile the 'cave' is just a raw space, which people need to explore and find their own comfort within. this is a situation where people can use space creatively. I prefer something like the cave-like-unintentional space. something that is in between...

/show-9127.html 2011-03-30

10. 德国红点设计大奖 精致创意厨房装饰

...d: product design 2008     This innovative kitchen / living space conception is characterised by a strikingly clear visual language. Aluminium, black or stainless steel coloured, it gives the space to be designed subtle nuances. The appearance is light and delicate, with much leeway f...

/show-1445.html 2011-05-16