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1. Just K项目——多面体屋顶

...要的空间又是怎样的呢?带着这些疑问,我们深入地探究Just K项目的楼层布局,设计师是如何通过设计,高效地最大化把控了空间的使用率、功能性与机动性?他们在使用最少的材料的时候是怎样创造了一个空间特色如此突的建...

/show-16847.html 2011-11-04

2. 打气灯

...指头,就能轻松简单地决定办公桌上的风景。   5. Just Draw It   只要画出一条线,就能命令屋子里的电器乖乖按照时间表工作。是一款直观有趣的电源控制器!   Just Draw It可以接在任何家用电器上,其面板上有24个由LED...

/show-15864.html 2013-07-22

3. [双语]趣闻:"昆虫旅馆"亮相伦敦

... Bug Hotel, which is designed to bring helpful iects into London parks and just won the city of Londo#39 "eyond the Hive" competition. Bug Hotel, which is designed to bring helpful iects into London parks and just won the city of Londo#39 "eyond the Hive" competition. 该设计旨...

/show-17700.html 2011-11-07

4. 石材外贸面对面 现场过招全解析

... our company?     K: No, we don't, Mr. Lucky. This is just OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturing,贴牌生产)。     L: I see. Then, the most important thing is the size of your orders. We'll have to invest a great deal of money in the new production proc...

/show-4541.html 2010-07-28

5. 石材外贸课堂 不同外贸业务员现场过招

... our company?     K: No, we don't, Mr. Lucky. This is just OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturing,贴牌生产)。     L: I see. Then, the most important thing is the size of your orders. We'll have to invest a great deal of money in the new production proc...

/show-3765.html 2010-06-28

6. 2010红点获奖作品 Juwel Novaplus Evolution Rotary Clothes Dryer

...gilisticexpialidocious!” by musical and film character Mary Poppins. Just like this loving nanny who with her umbrella floats, so to speak, through everyday life, the opening and deploying movement of this rotary clothes dryer performs its own magic – with an emotionalising appeal for th...

/show-10404.html 2011-05-16

7. 灵动的管子应用 艺术椅子欣赏

... tube used. Whereas the first version had many legs for support, this has just four and many fewer welded joints overall. This forms part of a series of chairs created using the same technique with different materials. .     这是艺术家用PP管做的艺术,较之他以前的作...

/show-11304.html 2011-05-30

8. HIT Gallery精品零售店设计

  HIT Gallery是一家集合了Just Cavalli、D&G、CNC、Galliano等意大利一线品牌的集成店,其位于香港的概念零售店是由设计师Fabio Novembre设计,受到意大利超现实主义画派画家Giorgio De Chirico乔治·德·基里科的影响:他擅于将...

/show-20748.html 2013-01-14

9. 冷酷到底 台北黑色调的神秘公寓

...p;   这套公寓位于台湾,由当地的建筑师Atelierii + Just Make Design设计完成。设计师采用了大胆的配色方案,主要采用黑色作为单一的装饰色调,试图利用黑色本身所代表的神秘与未知色彩,打造出一种宁静而优雅的居住环...

/show-22166.html 2014-07-25

10. Archdaily带您零距离接触日本建筑师藤本壮介

...迪伦,最近喜欢古典乐了。 do you listen to the radio? no. I just listen to cd's. 听广播? 不。 只听CD。 what books do you have on your bedside table? one of my favorite books is written by toro takemitsu. he is a great japanese contemporary music composer and at the ...

/show-9127.html 2011-03-30