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1. 石材中英文对译——D篇

...ite 达比花 Darby Brown 金龙米黄 Dargon Yellow 广宁墨蓝星 Dark Blue Star Of Guangning 宝兴墨晶 Dark Crystals Of Baoxing 深啡网 Dark Emperador 深色大花绿(墨绿青) Dark Green 恒山青 Dark Green And Green Of Heng Mountain 灵丘太白青 Dark Green And Whitest...

/show-4951.html 2010-08-24

2. 天然石材名称英语词汇总汇

...石(粉红色) Mount White (Pink) 澳洲沙石(金黄色) Mount White (Dark) 澳洲沙石(浅黄色) Mount White (Medium) 巴拿马黑 Nero Impala 巴西帝红(细花) Royal Red 巴西帝红(中花) Colorado Gaucho 巴西点啡 Ipanema 巴西红棕 Bratteby 巴西幻彩红 Rosso Crep...

/show-200.html 2010-04-09

3. 常见石材产品中英文对照(不断补充中)-X

...onito [ X ] 辛巴威黑 Zimbabwe Black [ X ] 小翠绿 Balmoral Green(Dark) [ X ] 象牙白 Cremo Marfic-Ivory [ X ] 香谢萱 Paly Sandro Nuvolato [ X ] 香格里拉 Shangri-la [ X ] 香槟钻 Majran Brown 或 Najran Red [ X ] 香槟石 Champagne [ X ] 香槟麻 Crema Champan [ X...

/show-8517.html 2011-03-23

4. 常见石材产品中英文对照(不断补充中)-Y

... 印度红紫晶 Indian Mahogany [ Y ] 印度红砂石 Indian Sandstone (Dark) [ Y ] 印度红(中花) Bundela Red [ Y ] 印度红(粗花) New Imperial Red [ Y ] 印度红 Imperial Red [ Y ] 印度粉红麻 Pink Porrino [ Y ] 印度白沙石 Indian Sandstone (Light) [ Y ] 银线米黄 ...

/show-8518.html 2011-03-23

5. 石材中英文对译——M篇

...金 Moon White 金月亮 Moonlight 澳洲沙石(金黄色) Mount White(Dark) 澳洲沙石(浅黄色) Mount White(Medium) 澳洲沙石(粉红色) Mount White(Pink) G603 Mountain White 幻彩红 Multicolor Red 蒙地卡罗白 Multicolor White 幻彩麻 Multicolour Grain 彩虹玉 Mul...

/show-4937.html 2010-08-24

6. 外贸小知识 石材英语大全

...石(粉红色) Mount White (Pink) 澳洲沙石(金黄色) Mount White (Dark) 澳洲沙石(浅黄色) Mount White (Medium) 巴拿马黑 Nero Impala 巴西帝红(细花) Royal Red 巴西帝红(中花) Colorado Gaucho 巴西点啡 Ipanema 巴西红棕 Bratteby 巴西幻彩红 Rosso Crep...

/show-4540.html 2010-07-28

7. 国外石材大板欣赏

Country of Origin: Italy The swirling pattern of Amadeus gives this stone instant recognition. Dark blue is shot through with mint green veins and accented by a purple-red fleck.  

/show-678.html 2010-03-22

8. 国外石材大板欣赏9

  Country of Origin: Brazil This granite has very strong movement and is usually characterized by a dark midnight-blue background with light-colored "veins." This material often varies between bundles; the overall color may be cooler or warmer, and sometimes garnet flecks are present.

/show-694.html 2010-03-22

9. 国外石材大板欣赏10

...ose-up: Country of Origin: Norway Blue in the Night is a wonderfully dark, rich black stone with flecks of bright blue labradorite. This is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a black stone with a spot of color, or anyone who likes the look of Labrador Antique but prefers black to brown...

/show-695.html 2010-03-22

10. 石材中英文对译——E篇

... 翡翠红 Emerald Red 金峰石 Emperador 啡网纹 Emperador  Dark 帝皇金 Empire Glod 雪里红 Empress Rose 绿星 Emrrald Pearl 世绿星 Era Green Star 珠峰黄 Everest Yellow

/show-4952.html 2010-08-24