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所 在 地:   澳大利亚 -> -> 墨尔本
设计单位:   澳大利亚墨尔本McBride Cha rles Ryan建筑事务所
原 名 称:Klein Bottle House

Klein Bottle House地处墨尔本Mornington半岛的海滩边,紧贴着海岸树林,复杂的旋转外观、亮眼材质与传统水泥板料的海滩小屋大异其趣,房子围绕的中央庭院,由一个大型的豪华台阶连接所有的水平面,创造一种忽近忽远的距离感。

This holiday home is situated in heavily treed sand dunes directly behind 16th beach at Rye on the Mornington Peninsula, only two hours from Melbourne. There was in this home to be the sense of arriving at a natural and built environment which was unique and in complete contrast to the owners city home.
墨尔本Klein Bottle度假别墅

墨尔本Klein Bottle度假别墅

墨尔本Klein Bottle度假别墅

墨尔本Klein Bottle度假别墅

墨尔本Klein Bottle度假别墅

墨尔本Klein Bottle度假别墅

墨尔本Klein Bottle度假别墅

墨尔本Klein Bottle度假别墅

墨尔本Klein Bottle度假别墅

墨尔本Klein Bottle度假别墅

墨尔本Klein Bottle度假别墅

墨尔本Klein Bottle度假别墅

墨尔本Klein Bottle度假别墅

墨尔本Klein Bottle度假别墅
